Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology (DUIET) in collaboration with Dr. SSBUICET, Panjab University under twinning activity of TEQIP-III project organized its 1stNational Conference on Recent Advancements and Emerging Challenges in Science and Technology for Sustainable Development (RESTS2020) on 14thand 15th of July 2020 in virtual mode supported by CODETANTRA, an interactive virtual platform. The conference was organized under the Chief Patronship of the Honorable Vice Chancellor of Dibrugarh University, Prof. Ranjit Tamuli. It was well attended by eminent academicians, faculty members and students from reputed technical and educational institutions from different parts of the country and also representatives from industries virtually making a total of around 300 participants.
The inauguration was hosted by the Nodal Officer Academic, TEQIP-III project DUIET, Dr. Gitalee Sharma followed by the welcome address by the convener, Dr. Nayan Medhi. Eminent academician of IIT Kharagpur and Chairman, BOG, TEQIP-III, DUIET, Prof. Khanindra Pathak addressed the gathering with his enthusiastic speech, followed by the speech of the Director, DUIET Prof. Pramathesh Bhattacharyya and the Coordinator of TEQIP-III, Dr. SSBUICET, Panjab University, Prof. Anupama Sharma. The guest lauded the Institute for hosting the webinar conference and forwarded their best wishes for the success of the same. Finally, the inauguration ended with the vote of thanks by the co-convener of the conference, Dr. Pranjal Sharmah and Dr. Nomi Baruah. The Keynote Speech was delivered by the renowned academician and administrator, the Director of IIIT Guwahati, Prof. Gautam Barua in the Technical Session-I. His comprehensive speech in cloud computing was extolled by all.
The conference included eleven sessions in all. Each session was started with an invited talk from renowned academician from different fields of Science and Engineering of the country. Distinguished speakers namely Dr. R. K. Vij, Director,School of P. Tech, PDPU, Prof. T. Kumar, Dept. of PE, IIT-ISM Dhanbad, Prof. T. K. Gogoi, Dept. of ME, Tezpur University, Prof. S.K. Sarma, Dept. of IT, GUIST, Prof. S.R.M. Prasanna, Dept. of EE, IIT Dharward, Dr. M. Sen, Dept. of EE, IIT-ISM, Dhanbad, Dr. N. M. Kakoty, Dept of ECE, Tezpur University, Prof. S. Bora, Dept. of Mathematics, IIT Guwahati andDr. P.S. Rao, IIT Kharagpur engrossed the participants with their informative and enlightening deliveries. Each session involved 5-8 oral presentations from presenters all around the nation making a total of 63 paper presentations and these were anchored, chaired and moderated by the esteemed faculties of DUIET and Dr. SSBUICET.
The two day conference ended in the evening of 15th July with the valedictory speech by Prof. Khanindra Pathak, Dr. M.C. Bora as SPA, SPIU-North-East, Prof. P. Bhattacharyya as Director DUIET and Prof. Amrit Pal Toor as Project Head Dr. SSBUICET of Panjab University. Finally, the Coordinator, TEQIP-III, DUIET, Sri. Kaushik Das, pulled down the curtain for the conference with the vote of thanks. He acknowledged the endeavour of Prof. Khanindra Pathak in introducing an indigenous virtual platform CODETANTRA in the conference which contributed the most to its success. He showed his goodwill to the TEQIP-III project, SPIU, NPIU of MHRD for sponsoring the conference to the full. He finally thanked all the faculties of DUIET under the guidance of the Director DUIET, and that of Dr. SSBUICET for their full dedication and cooperation in making the RESTS 2020 fruitful and a great success.