Tausifa Ahmed Hussain

Assistant Professor, Centre for Studies in Applied Psychology
  • Centre for Studies in Applied Psychology
  • Designation - Assistant Professor



  1. Bachelor’s Degree: B.A (2016); (Sociology-Hons); M.D.K.G. College, Dibrugarh.
  2. Master’s Degree: M.A.(2018); (Applied Psychology); CSAP, Dibrugarh University.

Professional Experience:

  • Currently, teaching in the Centre for Studies in Applied Psychology, Dibrugarh University, since September 2019.
  • One year of teaching experience as a Lecturer of Psychology in Dr. Radhakrishnan School of Arts, Commerce & Science, from July 2018- September 2019.
  • Two years of working experience with SEWA, Dibrugarh.

Areas of Interest/ Specialization: Counselling Psychology, Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Extension Service: 

  • Resource Person to Mental Health Awareness Programmes. 
  • Guest Lecturer to Baby Caregiver Training, organized by SEWA, NGO, Dibrugarh. 





  1. Bachelor’s Degree: B.A (2016); (Sociology-Hons); M.D.K.G. College, Dibrugarh.
  2. Master’s Degree: M.A.(2018); (Applied Psychology); CSAP, Dibrugarh University.

Professional Experience:

  • Currently, teaching in the Centre for Studies in Applied Psychology, Dibrugarh University, since September 2019.
  • One year of teaching experience as a Lecturer of Psychology in Dr. Radhakrishnan School of Arts, Commerce & Science, from July 2018- September 2019.
  • Two years of working experience with SEWA, Dibrugarh.

Areas of Interest/ Specialization: Counselling Psychology, Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Extension Service: 

  • Resource Person to Mental Health Awareness Programmes. 
  • Guest Lecturer to Baby Caregiver Training, organized by SEWA, NGO, Dibrugarh. 





Courses Taken
Current Courses
Sponsored Projects