Dr Pratima Brahma

Assistant Professor, Centre for Studies in Languages
  • Centre for Studies in Languages
  • Designation - Assistant Professor



  1. Bachelor’s Degree: B.A.
  2. Master’s Degree: M.A. in Bodo
  3. Ph.D: Awarded (Phonology and Morphology of Bodo and Dimasa: A Comparative Study)
  4. Others: Probhod in Hindi, Certificate of Computer Application

Professional Experience:

  1. Work as Principal Reimalie Academy Degree College, Boro Bazar, Bijni form 2014 to 6th September 2016.
  2. 2013 1st February to 31st May 2016: Senior Project Fellow, sponsored by Department of Department of Informational Technology, ILCI, Bodo group, Gauhati University.
  3. Work as Assistant teacher, 2007-2008, Seven Star Residential School, Boro Bazar, Bijni, Chirang (B.T.A.D), Assam
  4. Work as Idol part time Assistant teacher 2014, November 30, December 7.

Areas of Interested/Specialization:

  • Corpus Linguistics, Morphology, Phonology, Lexicography, Translation and Bodo Culture & Literature.

Radio Talk:

  • Women and their role in society

Invite as Resource person:

  1. Deliver lecture on “substitution: form, classes and Lexicon in linguistics” Sponsored by Bodo writers Academy at Bodoland University.
  2. Deliver lecture on Bodo “Words/Cries of Animals, Insects, Birds and Reptiles and Usages of house hold things/ Dresses” Sponsored by Bodo writers Academy at North Bengal University.


Research Publication:

  1. Phonological Variation of Lexical Items in Bodo and Dimasa A Brief Note, www.languageinindia.com, Volume 12: 1 January 2012, ISSN 1930-2940.
  2. Assamese Influence on Bodo www.languageinindia.com, Volume 12: 2 February 2012, ISSN 1930-2940.
  3. Case marker in Bodo, Dimasa, Kok-Borok, Rabha, Tiwa and Mising . Vol. 13:10 October 2013, ISSN 1930-2940.
  4. CLASSIFIER IN BODO. . Volume : IV, Issue : VII, August – 2014 Impact factor 2.1506 (UIF), ISSN 2230-7850.
  5. NEGATION IN BODO AND DIMASA: A BRIEF STUDY www.impactjournals.us. Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2014, 121-128 IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL) ISSN (E): 2321-8878; ISSN (P): 2347-4564.
  6. Marriage among the Bodos. p-351-356 IJMRN, Peer Reveiwed Journal IJIF 5.72, IJMRM-5, 

Boro article:

  1. Boro raoao bahaizanai dahar swdwb:sungdo bizirnai: Mugani sakhi, mouthpiece, dularai Boro Phoraisa Afad, gahai suzugiri Nilut swargoary, 17th Issue, February 2013.
  2. Phalangi arw Boro aizw: A monthly bilingual news magazine of BPF, Vol-3, issue-1, January 2014.
  3. Bodo arw Dimasa raoni sanrai: dandise ruzuthaiyari nwzwrzwng. Bagduar thandwi, khuga laisi Bijni zilla boro thunlai Afad, Gahai suzugiri Rupnath Hazowary, 24 thi bisan 2015.
  4. Swlwngthai bithingao Boro aizw: buri dwisa, bisombi/souvenir Bijni zilla boro thunlai Afad, Gahai suzugiri, Dhanen Basumatary, 2015.
  5. Somaz arw dhwrwm khanthi: darga, bisombi, dimakusi biyab bathwu gwthum, gahai suzugiri, Daithun Baro, 2015.
  6. Phulmoti solmayao nuzanai hinzao akhuni swmwndwi phongnwisw: repgrani laisi, gahai suzugiri, Dhanen Basumatary, 2015.
  7. Demsi methaiyao berkangnai mwzang mwnnaini sansri arw somazari thar zathai: repgrani laisi, gahaisuzugiri, Dhanen Basumatary, 2016.


Books and Book Chapters:


  1. Rape, collection of short story, 2015, published by Gumur publication, Garchuk, Guwahati-781035.
  2. Rao, thunlai arw Harimu, 2015, published by Purbayan Publication, sate mile, Guwahati-781014-ISBN-978-81-92550-2-5.
  3. Bodo and Dimasa Vocabulary, 2015, published by Purbayan Publication, sate mile, Guwahati-781014- ISBN-978-81-929550-0-1.
  4. COMPARATIVE PHONOLOGY OF BODO AND DIMASA, 2015, published by Purbayan Publication, sate mile, Guwahati-781014 ISBN-978-81-929550-1-8.

Book Chapter:

  1. Process of Morphophonemic change in Bodo and Dimasa, language and Language, Vol-I, published by Purbayan Publication, sate mile, Guwahati-781014-ISBN- 978-81-929549-4-3.
  2. Boro aizw songdo solo lirgirini nwzwrao aizw, Boro Thunlayao Aizw, Vol-I, Swarna Prabha Chainary, published by Sahitya Okademy,  ISBN-978-93-8677132-2
  3. Rao swlainai thunlai, Journal of the Department of Bodo, Vol-II , Swarna Prabha Chainary, Guahati University.

  4. A Reviewed on Solomala: P- 823, Uttar Purbhanchalar Bhasa Sahitya Sanskritik Samanay Sadhak, Chief editor, Pabitra Kr. Pegu,  ISNB-9382283-64-5.
  5. Onla Wngkrwi arw Borophwr, Phwrwngla , published by Boro Phwrwnggiri Guothum, gahai suzugiri, Dr. Mihir kumar Brahma Vol-14, ISBIN- 2278-8085-, 2017
  6. Borophwrni Phwthainay ao Daina: Manaranja n Laharini Daini soloma kou bitha khalamnan wi, P-147-156, Manaranjan Laharini solama Nwzwr arw songsirnai, gahai suzugiri prof. Phukan Chandra Basumatary ISBN- 2394-2312

  7. Boro raoni Athikhal Thasari P106-117, Mwndangthi arw Bibungth, Jotindra Nath Boro.

  8. Boruah Sir and My Experience, P-279, Uttar Purbhanchalar Bhasa Sahitya Sanskritik Samanay Sadhak, chief editor, Pabitra Kr. Pegu, ISBN- 9382283-64-5









  1. Bachelor’s Degree: B.A.
  2. Master’s Degree: M.A. in Bodo
  3. Ph.D: Awarded (Phonology and Morphology of Bodo and Dimasa: A Comparative Study)
  4. Others: Probhod in Hindi, Certificate of Computer Application

Professional Experience:

  1. Work as Principal Reimalie Academy Degree College, Boro Bazar, Bijni form 2014 to 6th September 2016.
  2. 2013 1st February to 31st May 2016: Senior Project Fellow, sponsored by Department of Department of Informational Technology, ILCI, Bodo group, Gauhati University.
  3. Work as Assistant teacher, 2007-2008, Seven Star Residential School, Boro Bazar, Bijni, Chirang (B.T.A.D), Assam
  4. Work as Idol part time Assistant teacher 2014, November 30, December 7.

Areas of Interested/Specialization:

  • Corpus Linguistics, Morphology, Phonology, Lexicography, Translation and Bodo Culture & Literature.

Radio Talk:

  • Women and their role in society

Invite as Resource person:

  1. Deliver lecture on “substitution: form, classes and Lexicon in linguistics” Sponsored by Bodo writers Academy at Bodoland University.
  2. Deliver lecture on Bodo “Words/Cries of Animals, Insects, Birds and Reptiles and Usages of house hold things/ Dresses” Sponsored by Bodo writers Academy at North Bengal University.



Research Publication:

  1. Phonological Variation of Lexical Items in Bodo and Dimasa A Brief Note, www.languageinindia.com, Volume 12: 1 January 2012, ISSN 1930-2940.
  2. Assamese Influence on Bodo www.languageinindia.com, Volume 12: 2 February 2012, ISSN 1930-2940.
  3. Case marker in Bodo, Dimasa, Kok-Borok, Rabha, Tiwa and Mising . Vol. 13:10 October 2013, ISSN 1930-2940.
  4. CLASSIFIER IN BODO. . Volume : IV, Issue : VII, August – 2014 Impact factor 2.1506 (UIF), ISSN 2230-7850.
  5. NEGATION IN BODO AND DIMASA: A BRIEF STUDY www.impactjournals.us. Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2014, 121-128 IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL) ISSN (E): 2321-8878; ISSN (P): 2347-4564.
  6. Marriage among the Bodos. p-351-356 IJMRN, Peer Reveiwed Journal IJIF 5.72, IJMRM-5, 

Boro article:

  1. Boro raoao bahaizanai dahar swdwb:sungdo bizirnai: Mugani sakhi, mouthpiece, dularai Boro Phoraisa Afad, gahai suzugiri Nilut swargoary, 17th Issue, February 2013.
  2. Phalangi arw Boro aizw: A monthly bilingual news magazine of BPF, Vol-3, issue-1, January 2014.
  3. Bodo arw Dimasa raoni sanrai: dandise ruzuthaiyari nwzwrzwng. Bagduar thandwi, khuga laisi Bijni zilla boro thunlai Afad, Gahai suzugiri Rupnath Hazowary, 24 thi bisan 2015.
  4. Swlwngthai bithingao Boro aizw: buri dwisa, bisombi/souvenir Bijni zilla boro thunlai Afad, Gahai suzugiri, Dhanen Basumatary, 2015.
  5. Somaz arw dhwrwm khanthi: darga, bisombi, dimakusi biyab bathwu gwthum, gahai suzugiri, Daithun Baro, 2015.
  6. Phulmoti solmayao nuzanai hinzao akhuni swmwndwi phongnwisw: repgrani laisi, gahai suzugiri, Dhanen Basumatary, 2015.
  7. Demsi methaiyao berkangnai mwzang mwnnaini sansri arw somazari thar zathai: repgrani laisi, gahaisuzugiri, Dhanen Basumatary, 2016.


Books and Book Chapters:


  1. Rape, collection of short story, 2015, published by Gumur publication, Garchuk, Guwahati-781035.
  2. Rao, thunlai arw Harimu, 2015, published by Purbayan Publication, sate mile, Guwahati-781014-ISBN-978-81-92550-2-5.
  3. Bodo and Dimasa Vocabulary, 2015, published by Purbayan Publication, sate mile, Guwahati-781014- ISBN-978-81-929550-0-1.
  4. COMPARATIVE PHONOLOGY OF BODO AND DIMASA, 2015, published by Purbayan Publication, sate mile, Guwahati-781014 ISBN-978-81-929550-1-8.

Book Chapter:

  1. Process of Morphophonemic change in Bodo and Dimasa, language and Language, Vol-I, published by Purbayan Publication, sate mile, Guwahati-781014-ISBN- 978-81-929549-4-3.
  2. Boro aizw songdo solo lirgirini nwzwrao aizw, Boro Thunlayao Aizw, Vol-I, Swarna Prabha Chainary, published by Sahitya Okademy,  ISBN-978-93-8677132-2
  3. Rao swlainai thunlai, Journal of the Department of Bodo, Vol-II , Swarna Prabha Chainary, Guahati University.

  4. A Reviewed on Solomala: P- 823, Uttar Purbhanchalar Bhasa Sahitya Sanskritik Samanay Sadhak, Chief editor, Pabitra Kr. Pegu,  ISNB-9382283-64-5.
  5. Onla Wngkrwi arw Borophwr, Phwrwngla , published by Boro Phwrwnggiri Guothum, gahai suzugiri, Dr. Mihir kumar Brahma Vol-14, ISBIN- 2278-8085-, 2017
  6. Borophwrni Phwthainay ao Daina: Manaranja n Laharini Daini soloma kou bitha khalamnan wi, P-147-156, Manaranjan Laharini solama Nwzwr arw songsirnai, gahai suzugiri prof. Phukan Chandra Basumatary ISBN- 2394-2312

  7. Boro raoni Athikhal Thasari P106-117, Mwndangthi arw Bibungth, Jotindra Nath Boro.

  8. Boruah Sir and My Experience, P-279, Uttar Purbhanchalar Bhasa Sahitya Sanskritik Samanay Sadhak, chief editor, Pabitra Kr. Pegu, ISBN- 9382283-64-5






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